Month: March 2020
Update: Medication Request
- If you are after any medication, supplement and essentials please just message me on wickr (sdmonster) and state what you want. We will list it up on the site.
Update: Order Status
- All orders besides 2 have been sent.
Update: Shipping and Logistics
+ Our shippers have tested negative for COVID19. This includes in all the locations we are based in. This was a cause for delay.
+ Orders going out today.
Update: Orders + Products
+ All orders will be sent out with our most preferred supplier.
+ ACL is now deemed unreliable so people who didn’t receive their order last week will receive a reshipment or whatever they had ordered.
+ Coronavirus support will be provided in our facilities, if you do not have access to this please call your nearest medical centre.
+ Medications which have ran short in standard retail stores will be added to our store.